The fiscally, practically, knowledgeably, ethically, and sustainably right thing.
We don’t waste anybody’s time or money. We don’t add things that don’t need to be there; we don’t include unnecessary services. We do what we say we will. We dedicate ourselves to creating value and contributing to our client’s success, and we stick to our agreements. We know what we’re doing and we do it very well. You are making a good and reasonable investment.

We came in wanting a printed binder of curriculum materials for the Building Blocks program that we would update with quarterly mailings. It was going to be very expensive to print and keep up to date. Myriad suggested an online version with summary mailings to announce updates. It’s been a huge success.
—Mass Insight Education
A big part of planning a website is the logic of how it works. Would it be a good idea to have news items automatically appear in the “News” area on the homepage? Will there be lots of images available or should the site be less image-heavy? Does it make sense to rely heavily on a social media venue or is that too much to manage? We’ll help you maximize your site, set up a realistic groundwork for the future, and stay sane.

Our stakeholders have been very involved, as have the athletes. Myriad gathered input from all of them, plus audience members like parents and prospective skaters and designed a brand and website that everybody just loves. We can finally keep practice and game schedules up to date ourselves and send team or individual messages through the site, and much more. It’s awesome!
—Hayden Synchronized Skating Teams
We built some of the first sites on the Internet and we’ve spent every single day since learning and practicing the rapid-fire advances in how organizations can do business, optimize channels and fine-tune messaging opportunities. We typically function as the in-house marketing department for our clients. Our depth and breadth of experience and expertise are unmatched—not only in our own profession but in many, many other kinds of organizations as well.

We had this great idea for a data dashboard, but we didn’t even know where to start. Myriad worked with us to define the structure and process for setting it up, and built an amazing system for publishing the vast data summaries we put out every year. It’s absolutely amazing.
—Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy
It’s a little weird to have to make a point of this, but we do. We manage a lot of private and/or sensitive information, as well as a lot of billing for things our clients often don’t actually see like software and security updates, spam and spoof protection, keyword bid strategies—the list goes on and on. Our clients also need us to do our very best for them and to honestly commit to our goals. We do. And if ever there is a question, we show our work, explain clearly what it means and why we did it, and ensure there are no ugly surprises.

We were flat-out getting our new program off the ground, so we trusted Myriad to create our brand and website with minimal oversight from us. They explained the process, set out the billing schedule and project timeline with dates for us to give input, and even gave us a nondisclosure to sign for our sensitive information!
There are a few meanings to the word “sustainable.” One refers to how we live relative to the environment. We use Pantheon as our ISP, whose sustainability practices (GCP green platform) in partnership with Google are detailed here. We also practice Sustainable Web Design, which is described here. Then there’s the “can you keep this going?” definition. Our answer to that is to design and build brands, websites, and SEO/SEM/SMM campaigns that are well documented, made to last, and as easy to own as they can be.

Our whole business is based on sustainability so we needed a marketing partner who had the same view and shared our ethos. Myriad was all that and more. Our brand and website (which is on Pantheon) have been hugely successful. We can honestly tell our clients that everything we do is based in respect for the environment.
—Avid Solar